Hunting for an invisible character

2019-08-28 16:20:21 - 2m read - java encoding utf-8 iso-8859-1

Recently, I spent some time trying to understand how an xml sent from a server to another become corrupted. I investigated the xml to be sent and it was all right, however, as soon as it was received the system produced an exception. I finally saw that a question mark was prefixing the xml.

Interactive command line sessions library

2018-08-03 20:00:00 - 6m read - go golang icls cli

I usually have some trouble when it comes to creating a cli for an application. That, of course, led me to create my one library.

Writing logs to file from a cluster

2017-10-14 13:21:30 - 8m read - go golang logging gRPC protobuf

Recently, at work, I kept falling into a problem regarding log files. The logs are written on the machine the cluster node is in, making their retrieval time consuming.

How I built my new blog

2017-07-02 11:33:21 - 11m read - go golang static blog generator

Today, I 'd like to write about building this blog. I could use a Haxo or Hugo, or any other platform that exists, however I ended up writing my own static site generator in golang.

Arduino Adventure No. 1

2017-01-14 12:12:21 - 4m read - Arduino Mega 2560 Ramps 1.4 LCD hello world

I recently bought an Arduino Mega 2560 with a Ramps 1.4 shield the corresponding stepper motor drivers and an LCD screen. The ultimate goal is to build my first 3d printer using spare parts and then use that printer to make parts for a better one.

Maven Plugin for Partial Patches

2016-12-10 20:14:21 - 2m read - java maven patch

Sometimes I need to create a partial patch for some dev environment, so I made this plugin to copy either the classes or the java source code to where I wished.

The Underlying Dilemma in the Greek Referendum

2015-06-30 23:52:31 - 6m read - geopolitics huntington mackinder referendum greece

This week is largely considered a historic one due to the Greek referendum. On July 5th the Greek public will decide whether to accept the troika proposal or not.

RSS News Reader Application for Android handheld devices

2014-12-07 10:14:21 - 1m read - android java rss

The application implements a simple RSS News feed reader. I started with a lot of auto-generated code and step by step I wrote my own code to fit the problem.

A comperative study of the Turkey-Israel partnership and the Greek-Cyprus-Israel axis

2014-05-21 20:15:16 - 2m read - geopolitics israel greece turkey cyprus

The South-East Mediterranean is one of the most volatile regions on the planet. Currently, there are several hotspots in the Middle East and many unresolved issues waiting to break out. This study that compares the relations and most importantly