Maven Plugin for Partial Patches

Sometimes I need to create a partial patch for some dev environment, so I made this plugin to copy either the classes or the java source code to where I wished. This plugin copies classes using the same structure and under the same application context as the Web Application.

It requires the existence of a build-patch.xml file in a given path of project.

  <issue name="ISSUE-4334">
    <sourcefile filepath="src\main\java\com\romanostrechlis\maven\plugins\patch\" />

In pom.xml it should be added the following:


There configuration tags are:

  1. projectBaseDir
  2. patchDir: where the patch folder should be created.
  3. issueFile: what is the file containing info about the patch (see example above).
  4. classReplaceFolder: the content of this tag will be replaced by the contextName.
  5. contextName: replaces the content of classReplaceFolder in the patch path.
  6. configPath: the path of configuration files.

After adding it to pom.xml we can run it using the command mvn patch:classes to copy classes and/or mvn patch:sources to copy sources.

Download the source code here.